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Note #109: A week to go (2016.12.23)

I think this will be a fairly short note tonight, but I wanted to write something now, as I suspect it might be the last chance I get to write before we leave. We are now less than a week away from departure; a week from now, we will be somewhere between here and there.

Things have been very hectic, with mountains of work to get done during the day and people to see in the evening. The end of the year is always full of social events like this, but this time around I’m also trying to get together with people one last time before I take off. I had the option to go somewhere tonight, but I’m worn out from a long week and decided not to go. I’ll be able to relax tomorrow as well, and then Christmas will be spent with family. Monday I have a large gathering of friends and colleagues I’ve cajoled into joining me for roast pig and Belgian beer, and Tuesday I have a much more quiet evening scheduled with Kevin. That will be my last social event, as I will still be busy during the day and will need Wednesday and Thursday evenings to make sure everything is packed up and ready to go.

It still doesn’t quite feel real. That could have something to do with all the work that I still have to finish. I’ll get it done, or at least the stuff that absolutely has to get done, but it will most likely come down to the wire, as it always seems to do. I suspect that it won’t start to sink in until we actually get on the plane and I can finally relax a bit.

So, yeah, I guess that’s it. I thought that I would have something to say, but I don’t seem to. Or maybe my mind is just full of so many things right now that I can’t properly organize my thoughts. Well, I may not have anything profound to say right now, but I do know that next year is going to bring a lot of changes, and hopefully one of those changes will be more writing from me here at Liminality. Not only will I have a less stressful schedule to deal with, but I imagine the change of environment will stimulate my writing muscles. Barring times when I might be traveling, I’d like to write something at least once a week here. We’ll see how that goes.

If I don’t get a chance to write before we leave, then I guess I’ll see you all on the other side. Oh, and Merry Christmas!

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