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Note #11: Talking seagulls (2008.1.14)

The year has started a bit slowly here at Liminality, and I haven’t been posting as much lately as I would like. It’s not that I don’t have anything to write about—in fact, I have a list of things I want to write about. Part of the reason I haven’t written as much is that my evenings these days have been largely devoted to watching the DVDs we got for Christmas. We made it through the first season of Rome and are now working our way through the third season of Lost.

To be honest, though, it’s more just a general lack of motivation than a lack of time. I am busy, but when haven’t I been busy? There are always ways to make time for things that you want to do. I hope to find some motivation soon. In lieu of that, though, at least for the time being, you can check out a new gallery I’ve added to the Imagery section, a set of photos from a trip to Busan we took last year. To give you an idea of how behind I am on photos, we got home from this trip a year ago today.

But that’s not the whole reason for this note—although it has occurred to me that people who don’t subscribe to the RSS feed have no real way of finding out about new content unless they continuously check the rather dry Updates page. This is something I’ve been thinking about: how to provide easy access to all new content, not just Journal entries and notes. Unfortunately, the solution I have in mind is going to require a complete reworking of the code, so maybe I can come up with an interim solution until that happens.

Anyway, the Busan gallery includes a few photos of seagulls on the beach, and as I looked at these photos I couldn’t help imagining the seagulls talking to each other. Yes, it’s silly, but I’m a pretty silly person. On the off chance that some of my readers are as silly as I am, I thought I’d share one of my imaginings:

With the Busan photos finally finished, the next big Imagery project isn’t really an Imagery project—it’s the travel journal I kept during our trip to Taiwan last year. I didn’t actually plan on keeping a travel journal at first, but my camera died only a day or two into the trip, so I quickly decided that my primary method of documentation would be text. I do have some photos from before the camera died and some photos I took with a few disposable cameras, and I plan to incorporate these into the journal, but they will serve as illustrations of the text rather than the primary focus. It’s a rather daunting task, since the journal is quite long, but it’s something I’m looking forward to. We had a great time in Taiwan, and it will be nice to relive some of that through the photos and writing. Maybe it will be the kick start I need to find a new wellspring of creativity.

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