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Note #147: A hasty farewell (2023.10.30)

This is going to be just a quick note today, one of those “Yes, I’m still alive” posts. We’re just past the mid-point of the semester now, and time barrels forward as usual. I mentioned in my beginning-of-the-semester post that I was going to be busy, and I have been. I have been getting things done, though, which is good.

Tomorrow I am heading to the States for my annual conference, this time in Portland (Oregon). I won’t be going alone—I am bringing along four of our grad students, and they’ll be presenting in a panel of their own (which I will chair). Hopefully it will be a good experience for everyone. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like the weather is going to be great while we’re there—there’s a good chance of rain every day—but I imagine we’ll make do.

I’m all packed and ready, so all I need to do is head out to school tomorrow, put the finishing touches on the notes for my own presentation, hold my morning class, and then immediately head home and eat lunch before heading out to the airport. Portland isn’t too far away, relatively speaking, but there were no direct flights from Seoul, so we’ll be transferring through Vancouver, where we have something like a six-hour layover. This is obviously not ideal, but at least it’s not something ridiculous like a thirty-minute layover where we have to run through the airport to catch our connecting flight. I think I’d rather have the longer layover, even if it is going to be a bit dull.

Well, I guess that’s it for now. I’ll be back a week from now, and then we will be in the home stretch for the remainder of the semester. Maybe I’ll even post something about the conference.

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