Note #151: The last gasp of October (2024.10.31)
So this is going to be one of those quick “Hey, I’m still alive!” posts. I do have a longer post in the works—it has, in fact, been in the works for a while—but it does not look like I am going to finish it before my intended deadline. You see, we (HJ and I) are leaving for the States next Tuesday, and time is running out. That may seem like it should be enough to finish up an entry, but unfortunately I have other things that need taking care of, namely a paper I am frantically trying to get ready for submission to a journal before I leave. That is going pretty well. I just went through and made sure that my footnotes—all 136 of them (don’t ask)—meet the style guidelines. The remaining tasks are: final revisions and polishing, putting together the bibliography, and writing my abstracts (both Korean and English). I should be able to get it all done before the weekend is finished, which will leave me until Tuesday afternoon to pack for the trip. And since the first part of the trip is going to be taken up by a conference, ideally I would like to have my presentation finished before I leave. I’ve put together PowerPoint files on planes and in hotel rooms, but since HJ is going to be with me I would like to avoid that if at all possible. The good news is that my presentation in the US is on the paper I am currently finishing up for submission, and I already have a PowerPoint for it. The bad news is that everything is in Korean and thus needs to be translated/rewritten, and the PowerPoint is outdated now with all the revisions I’ve made since presenting the Korean version. I’ll figure it out, though. Somehow I always do.
But, yeah, I think that’s about it. I know that’s not a lot, but I happened to wake up this morning and realize that it was the last day of October. I try not to let a month go by without posting anything, even if it is something like this. Oh, I suppose it’s also Halloween, but I never really cared much about that and it’s not really a thing in Korea anyway (except maybe for little kids learning about “American culture”). I’ll try to post another quick note next week before we leave to talk a little more about the trip itself, but for now I need to get back to the paper.