Note #26: Why I haven’t been writing much lately (2008.10.8)
With the exception of my recent double header on bread and running (and even that wasn’t originally intended to be a double header, but two separate posts), I haven’t really been posting much lately. The reason is that it is now half past ten in the evening and I’ve just finished my work for the day. Well, at least I’ve gotten to the point where I can no longer be productive at work, so I have decided to stop. I have been waking up early these days and working until fairly late at night, so I am exhausted. Tomorrow I have a conference at which I will be giving a talk, on Friday I have classes, on Saturday I have a wedding (family, so I have to attend), and on Sunday I have the 10k race and a birthday party for my former academic advisor. The fun doesn’t end there, of course, as I have a ton of stuff that I somehow need to get done in the slivers of time that exist between these various commitments.
The purpose of this brief note is not to complain, but just to get something written. For days I have been wanting to write, but every day when I finish work I am ready to collapse, and there is no way I’m going to get anything creative done. Things aren’t going to be letting up any time soon, either, so sooner or later I’m going to have to start managing my time better or risk burning out.
Anyway, I imagine I will post something on Sunday, after the race, but I expect it to be fairly brief. I have other, longer posts that I want to write, but I honestly do not know when I am going to get around to them. I’m still alive and kicking, though, and hopefully one of these days I’ll get my act together and settle into some sort of routine.