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Note #62: Green light (2011.4.13)

So I heard from the department office a little earlier today and I have indeed been given the green light to present on Friday. (If you’re just joining me and wondering what I am talking about, please read my previous entry.) My presentation will take place at three o’clock in the afternoon, or possibly later, depending on how far behind schedule things are running.

I do not know exactly what will happen after the presentation, or when I will know the results of the deliberation—my MA thesis was so long ago that I really don’t remember how it worked. I assume that it won’t be too long before I find out whether I am moving on to the next step, though.

I’m going to keep this short, seeing as I’m working on the handout for the presentation, in which I have to distill over one hundred pages into five pages of notes. I’m pretty good at summarizing things, though, so I’m not too worried about it. I’ll likely post something longer after the presentation.

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