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Note #80: Home from London (2013.6.11)

This is just a quick note to say that we are now back from London. We have been back for several days, in fact, but it’s taken me that long to get around to writing this, as I have been preoccupied with trying to get back into my normal rhythm.

The trip was excellent, although I will have more to say about that in detail later. I took nearly five hundred photographs, and although I have no intention of posting all of them, a judicious selection of the highlights should give me the bones for a photo-essay-style treatment of the trip. First up, though, will be another photo essay: my entry on the rebirth of Namdaemun. With luck I will have that online before the week is out.

And I think that will be all for today. Very brief, I know, but that’s what these notes are for: quick comments on how things are going. More soon.

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