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Technically speaking, this is not a perfect shot. I was kneeling in the grass and shooting from a few centimeters off the ground, and it didn’t come out as clear as I had hoped. The white balance is also off, making the shot a tad too green, but I ultimately decided I liked the effect.

Flaws aside, I really like the idea of this picture and the “pose” of the two butterflies—tell me it doesn’t look like the butterfly on the left is whispering something to the butterfly on the right, who is completely shocked at what he is hearing. Or maybe it’s just me.

(Note: At first I thought these were moths, but then I realized that I didn’t really know the difference between a butterfly and a moth. According to my research, the main characteristics that distinguish the two insects (as far as the layman is concerned, at least) are: 1) butterflies are generally active at night, while moths are active during the day, 2) butterfly antennae are simple with a “club” at the end, while moth attenae are either tapered or feathery, and 3) at rest, butterflies generally fold their wings up, while moths spread them out. Thus, I conclude that these are actually butterflies and not moths. Again, I could be wrong. (You can get a closer look at the antennae in the next picture.))

(19 July 2004)

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