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The Mud Flats of Gungpyeong-ri

At the height of vacation season and in the middle of a heat wave, we decided to go to the ocean. You know, where they have that cool, refreshing thing called water. Or, at least, that’s what we were hoping for. What we got was mud, and lots of it.

There were also a lot of people, and we had a hard time finding a spot for our tent beneath the sea pines beyond the beach. As the sun rose and the tide receded, very few people were actually out on the beach (or the mud)—mostly everyone was sitting in our around their tents making lots of noise. To be perfectly honest, it was a very disappointing trip, but I did get some nice photos (in fact, the photos were the best part of the trip, at least for me).

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(6 August 2004)

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