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Browse this collection by clicking on the thumbnails below. You can then navigate to the other pictures in the set using the arrows at the bottom of each picture page, or return to the main imagery page by using the main menu.

Miami, 2016

In late October I traveled to Miami for the annual meeting of the American Folklore Society. I arrived a day early and did some sightseeing, and I was able to get around and see some things during the conference as well, so I figured I’d put together a gallery.

It has been a while since I have posted an Imagery gallery (over two years!), and things have changed since then. For one, my photos are now 3:2 ratio rather than 4:3. I’ve also increased the size of both the original and larger versions.

This gallery is fitted with larger versions of each photo. To see the enlarged version, simply click on the photo to load a pop-up window.

(20-23 October 2016)

color schemes
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