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New York, 2006

Another photo taken by Hyunjin. I don’t know how she managed to get this shot with the boat bouncing around, but she did. Like Brian, I’m also outside the wake here, and I have that look on my face because I am holding on for dear life. Notice how the wake appears to be running almost perpendicular to the rear of the boat? Well, that’s because the boat is turning, and I’m on the outside of the turn, getting whipped along like a child’s toy (still it’s better than being on the inside, where I would have sunk from lack of speed).

I survived this trip outside the wake and many more. In fact, the length of my run was my undoing, as I got tired and somewhat careless. I stayed a fraction of a second too long on the edge of the wake and caught a ski tip in the water. That ski was ripped off my foot and I lunged forward. When the slack ran out I was flung into the air and thrown face first into the water. I instinctively put my hand out to break my fall, but obviously that didn’t do much. The funny thing is that, while my hand went through the water without much resistance, my head smacked the water hard enough to daze me. Fortunately I suffered no permanent dain bramage.

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