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New York, 2006

The corner of 8th and 45th, as seen from our hotel room; after the show we stopped by Smith’s Bar for a drink. It’s a total tourist joint, with a two-man guitar-bass team singing classic bar songs (“Brown-eyed Girl,” “American Pie,” etc.), but it was fun. Well, mostly fun. There were two girls from Jersey who were pretty far into their cups, and they were quite vocal. Not that they were being obnoxious, of course, but having to listen to loud, drunk, Jersey girls is not exactly my idea of a good time. At one point one of the girls came over to our table and asked me why I wasn’t having fun. I was tempted to tell her that just because I wasn’t dancing on the bar it didn’t mean I wasn’t having fun. But I just nodded and smiled and eventually she went away. Jersey girls aside, we had a good time.

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