We had a lot of rain at the beginning of July, and the stream outside my study became a torrent. The sound of the water crashing over the rocks was so loud that you literally had to shout in order to be heard when standing next to the stream.
I guess this shot can be called my attempt at breaking the rules. I deliberately overexposed the shot (aperture: f8.0, shutter: 1/20 sec.) to get more movement and more white in the water. As a result, the histogram is a mess. Composition-wise, the central focus of the photo is stationary, while everything else around it is moving. I don’t know if this is actually “wrong,” but I have heard that you should try to keep motion away from the edges of the shot. Whatever the case, I wanted to express the rushing of the water, and I like the way it turned out.
(13 July 2004)