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U.S. Trip, 2003-2004, West Coast

This picture requires a bit of explanation. Our hotel suite was in the peasant section of the hotel, but because Dave worked with someone who knew someone at the Venetian, we were given room cards with green stripes—generally reserved for those staying in the aristocratic section of the hotel. One of the perks of being an aristocrat is access to the complimentary bar and lounge.

The previous night Dave and I had gone up to the bar for drinks, and I desperately tried to act like I belonged there. Dave has a knack for this sort of thing—even at university, he could always look aristocratic when he wanted to. He just had this air about him. Me, I went through university in jeans and a t-shirt. These days I wear a suit and tie a handful of times in a year, if that. And I’ve never been anything even close to rich, so I feel a little uncomfortable in high society. Nonetheless, I managed to not get us kicked out of the bar, and we decided to bring the girls back for the complimentary breakfast the next morning.

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